인쇄창 관련(미리보기) 스크립트

administrators 2011. 11. 17. 19:03

     <input type=button value="print preview" onclick="window.ieExecWB(7);">
     <input type=button value="page setup" onclick="window.ieExecWB(8);">
     <input type=button value="print page w Prompt" onclick="window.ieExecWB(6);">
     <input type=button value="print page w/o Prompt" onclick="window.ieExecWB(6, -1);">
     <input type=button value="Save As" onclick="saveAsMe('ww.txt');">
     <input type=button value="Save Copy" onclick="window.ieExecWB(5);">

<script language="javascript">

// ====================================================================
// Original post: Unkown person - I lost my notes on who did this first
//                Unkown source
// Modified by:   Walter Torres <> []
//                2001/04/29
//                I found the secret to remove the prompt!
//                Original post did not have this gem to it.
// This accesses a built-in Windows command that can perform Magic!
// And yes, this is a Windows onLY solution.
// In fact, it only works in IE. :(
// This still doesn't work with Frames!  :(
//          INPUT: intOLEcmd   = integer between 1 and 37, only a few
are of use
//                 intOLEparam = parameter integer for function -
//         OUTPUT: none
//           NOTE: intOLEparam is not optional in the Object call,
//                 I just made it optional here to make life easier.
//                 All command values use '1' execept print, thus my
//        EXAMPLE: // This prints given window/frame WITHOUT prompt!
//                 objWinName.ieExecWB(6, -1)
//                 // This prints given window/frame WITH prompt!
//                 objWinName.ieExecWB(6)

//                // This will display the Print Preview window
//                 objWinName.ieExecWB(7)
//         VALUES: intOLEcmd has these possible values
//                 OLECMDID_OPEN         = 1
//                 OLECMDID_NEW          = 2    warning, this kills IE windows!
//                 OLECMDID_SAVE         = 3
//                 OLECMDID_SAVEAS       = 4
// OLECMDID_SAVECOPYAS = 5 note: does nothing in IE

//                 OLECMDID_PRINT        = 6    note: give '-1' as param - no prompt!
//                 OLECMDID_PRINTPREVIEW = 7
//                 OLECMDID_PAGESETUP    = 8
//                          Others have no use in IE

function ieExecWB( intOLEcmd, intOLEparam )
// Create OLE Object
var WebBrowser = '<OBJECT ID="WebBrowser1" WIDTH=0 HEIGHT=0

// Place Object on page
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', WebBrowser);

// if intOLEparam is not defined, set it
if ( ( ! intOLEparam ) || ( intOLEparam < -1 )  || (
intOLEparam > 1 ) )
intOLEparam = 1;

// Execute Object
WebBrowser1.ExecWB( intOLEcmd, intOLEparam );

// Destroy Object
WebBrowser1.outerHTML = "";


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